Sunday, July 21, 2013

'Homework' by A-MM

You might or might not know that this year I have been teaching calligraphy for thirty years.

I've had much more fun than anyone involved in the 30 year war and certainly have had as much fun as anyone celebrating a thirtieth wedding anniversary, which is pearl. Pearls of wisdom I have learned and have learned much more than I have ever taught. I have {mostly} enjoyed every moment of the classes I have prepared and presented.

Penfriend's Studio celebrations are set for 20 and 21 November with wonderful workshops and surprises planned. So if you are in the area contact me.

The students have been working hard on their creative projects as well as learning new hands. I have been bowled over by their enthusiasm and commitment to the end of year exhibition. Some work in progress has been posted for your enjoyment.

As David and I go away a great deal, I decided that I should create a few small pieces, so that I too will have something for guests to view. Years ago I was fortunate to be able to go to a CLAS workshop held in Winchester and joined a creative workshop presented by Brian Walter. He taught me the joy of working small and cut me a nib from a mapping pen which I still use today.

Here is a taste of what my 'homework' has been over the past few weeks.
The pieces are small and written on those scraps of {good}paper you have in a drawer or folder.

 You Can Tell...
Small Things

I also collect small pieces of decorative paper and never throw away ribbon or bits of gold. I usually write in gouache and in the simplest hand. It's the quote that is important. 

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