Monday, August 1, 2011


Have returned from Cape Town where I attended workshops with calligrapher Yves Laterme from Bruges.

Yves, a past student of Brody Neuenschwander and great admirer of his work is now a teacher a great calligrapher in his own right. His flair for creative gestural letter forms is something to aim for and yet, with him as a teacher we hardly all want to be a pale copy of his work.

We worked on creative layouts using gesso, paint and ink. We created beautiful built up capital letterform and tried to make beautiful marks on the paper.

The Cape Town group was willing and did their utmost to create exciting pieces. We all had fun and will continue to use some of the techniques he shared with us.

 Yves's finishing touches
 A-MM - Circles of my Mind
 A-MM - Wonderment