Friday, April 27, 2012

Projects and the Way Forward

It is always a challenge to think of various ways to continue the creative process. A friend and former student now lives in England. She is coming out to SA in October which is always a whirl. We discuss calligraphy and creativity often on the Penfriends Facebook page as that is 'instant' communication and came up with the idea that we would each individually make a creative book filled with various techniques, colour-ways using anything we felt would work.

All well and good when 'Life' doesn't interfere with creative plans. Maxine bought a business and is extremely involved in keeping it running and my sister died suddenly at the beginning of the year. So while the idea lay dormant we continued with the challenge of simply living one day at a time.

Creativity took over and one morning I took some watercolour paper, my Winsor and Newton paints, some water and a large paint brush and literally 'sloshed' paint on damp paper, added a few squirts of water and flicked paint over the drying sheet of paper and waited to see what happened.

The following images give you an idea of process.

 Waiting for paint to dry

 Folded sheets ready for work

The paper torn and waiting

I kept the sheets on at my work station and folded neatly waiting. Nothing happened. I diligently took them away with paints, pen and pencil at the ready. All neatly tucked into my back pack. Nothing. 
The clear skies and beautiful Indian ocean played with light. Still nothing.

We then went down to the Free State for an autumn photoshoot. Suddenly the golden light, the gilded trees and quiet time inspired. Out came my set of water colours given to me by my father many years ago together with a sable brush. I added an inspiring snippet of Pride of India for colour and shape. 

Paper, paints and graphite 

Checking the colours and position on the paper

More Inspiration 

Placing graphite pressure writing with the rose interpretation

The first few pages are ready and waiting for a little more detail but I really don't think more bits and pieces are needed. Perhaps no ink for these few pages, just a few more graphite swirls? 

For the next section who knows what colours and inspiration will set me off. I am always amazed by creative triggers and know that to rush that process may end in disaster or simply another creative journey.

Mmmmmm, must find out how Maxine is progressing! 

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