Monday, February 27, 2012

Creative Journals and FUN!

Maxine is a past student, great friend and divinely amusing person. She visits South Africa at least once a year and we try to get together at least once when she is here.
She has suggested that we work on a creative project. I THINK she meant when she is here - but we have 8 months to work on 'our own creativity' never mind the fact that Maxine has started a new framing business and we are both fairly busy people.
But who says we can't pretend that we care going to do something creative between now and October. 
New posts probably every 2 weeks [or so]. If you would like to join is the 'creative frenzy' please let me know and we can add your ideas and suggestions.

Creating a Journal
Project for Maxine and Anne-Marie over 8 months
 This was a very simple page for a book on numbers. Very little anything much else - but a start anyway

To show intent: My pens, pencils and some water-coloured paper at the ready.
Suggested work plan:
1 One signature to be completed every 2 weeks
2 ANY media maybe used: acrylic, craypas, pencil crayons, fineliners, collage
  watercolours, ink and so on.
3 A-MM will scan/photograph and send examples which may be ‘cribbed, altered and improved’ in any way.
4 It is suggested that if the one folio begins in say watercolours and pencils the whole 4/6 pages remain the same. In other words, change materials when starting a new signature to keep a theme going.
5 Any hand or font may be used. Maybe together
6. Theme of journal to be decided upon individually – open, creative minds seem like a good thing to have.
7 A-MM will post the work pace onto the Penfriendspatter blog.
Hopefully some of the signatures can travel with Maxine in October and the book stitched together in a frenzy of creativity!

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