Homework is set to enhance the student's creativity or is it simply that the teacher sets homework in the hope that something will ultimately get finished?
The small books that we have been doing are limping along. Mine is complete, most others are not. It seems that if you are working with an end goal in sight - grandchildren's use for example, one has a tendency to finish. I also find that deadlines are good as well as holidays - I mean who wants to return to several unfinished projects?
We have moved on - with half completed books as a challenge. Now we are working with double pencils - two HB pencils taped together - creating beautiful Roman caps which will be coloured, decorated and used as first letters for a Foundational piece of text. We write on washed backgrounds [gouache lightly painted onto water colour paper] with gouache in toning [analogous] colours.
Should be exciting.......until we return to the books which lie limply on the desks waiting to be completed!
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