Thursday, July 24, 2008

Comfort Biscuits

ELizabeth and Garren's business was 'South-Africaned' on Tuesday. What's that mean? Well a group of armed men arrived on the premises, tied up the staff and stole all the computers effectively putting the business on hold for a few days, not to mention the trauma experienced by the staff. Nobody was injured which was a blessing. 

So what to do? Arrive with food of course and lots of sympathy and hugs.

Here is the old stand by: Crunchies which are easy to make and we almost all have the ingredients in the cupboard.

250g butter, 10 ml golden syrup, 500ml oats, 250ml sugar [zylatol can be used instead] 5ml bicarb, 250ml coconut, 250ml flour [rye can be substituted], pinch salt

Combine butter and syrup. Heat until melted. Mix dry ingredients together. Pour butter mixture over this and mix well. ** Add the bananas here if wanted. Press onto baking sheet about 23 cm square. Bake at 190C for 15-20 minutes. Cut into squares while still hot. 

** See above: My little granddaughter Rachel says you can add mashed bananas to the mixture [but they should be very ripe] to make delicious Banana Crunchies. [They are good because I tasted them].

As always best served with a great deal of love and some good tea or coffee [Kenyan of course]. 

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