We are back in the studio in the last few weeks of creativity for 2010. Here is the set project. Perhaps you would like to try a few creative pages.
Take two sheets of paper in spring/summer colours. Canson works well.
Divide each sheet into 4.
Choose 8 quotations: summer, floral, joyful
Do thumbnail sketches and think collage, numerous nib sizes, different hands: Uncial, Foundational, Italic.
Nothing is so beautiful as spring, Hopkins. Spring is sooner recognised by plants than by man, Chinese Proverb.
A life without love is like a year without summer. Swedish Proverb
Suggestions: Write in a circle. Write in a square. Write using pale colours. Write using strong colours.Write in a design- the shape of a flower or bug.
Write the name of a flower in more than one colour more than once in different tones of the same colour.
Take a deep breath and smile!
When 8 pages are completed make into a small booklet.
Bind with ring binders or punch holes and tie with ribbon.